The quadrille was one of the most popular ball-room
dances of the 19th century, generally in a brisk duple metre.
Quartal harmony
Vertical sonorities (harmony) constructed in fourths,
instead of the traditional thirds.
Divisions of the tone smaller than a semitone are
occasionally found in art-music, particularly in the 20th century. Quarter-tones
occur in the solo violin part of the Second Violin Concerto of Belá
A quartet is a composition for four players or the
name for a group of four players.
Quintal harmony
Vertical sonorities (harmony) constructed in fifths,
instead of the traditional thirds.
A quintet is a composition for five players or the
name for a group of five players.
A quodlibet (Latin: what you please) is a light-hearted
composition generally containing a combination of well known tunes. There
is an example in Johann Sebastian Bach’s Goldberg Variations, where the
composer combines the theme of the variations with two popular songs of
the time.