
Apel, Willi.  Harvard Dictionary of Music, Second Edition. Cambridge:
        Harvard University Press, 1977.

Brown, Howard M.  Music in the Renaissance.  Englewood Cliffs, New
        Jersey:  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976.

Chase, Gilbert.  America's Music, revised second edition. New York:
        McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1966.

Downs, Philip G.  Classical Music:  The Era of Haydn, Mozart, and
        Beethoven.  New York:  W. W. Norton & Company, 1992.

Grout, Donald Jay.  A History of Western Music.  New York:  W. W.
        Norton & Company, 1973.

Grout, Donald Jay.  A Short History of Opera.  New York:  Columbia
        University Press, 1965.

Karp, Theodore.  Dictionary of Music.  New York:  Dell Publishing
        Co., 1973.

Machlis, Joseph.  The Enjoyment of Music. Fourth Edition. New York:
        W. W. Norton & Company, 1977.

Morgan, Robert P.  Twentieth-Century Music.  New York:  W. W.
        Norton & Company, 1991.

Palisca, Claude V.  Baroque Music. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
        Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.

Sadie, Stanley.  The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. London:
        Macmillan Press Ltd.

Seay, Albert.  Music in the Medieval World.  Englewood Cliffs, New
        Jersey:  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1965.

Wold, Milo;  Martin, Gary;  Miller, James;  Cykler, Edmund. An
        Outline History of Western Music,Ninth Edition. Boston:
        McGraw Hill, 1998.

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